
Ease your way in to a New Year full of pampering

As 2018 ends, another year starts – this is when we usually set our new resolutions. Sadly, in most cases we tend to forget what goal we have set by the time we reach mid-year due to us thinking it’s not attainable or us having no-time at all. But there’s more than exercise and eating well.

There are other ways to improve self-care and this is what we call ‘Me-Time’. This year, make it your goal to recharge and reset without it necessarily being at the gym or staying in bed. Here’s your guide on how to properly indulge yourself in Me-Time.

1. Spend more time with Family and Friends - Retouch with a family member or friends you haven’t seen in a while. Ditch the online communication and instead, invite them over for a dinner party or game nights! If you come home late after work, you can save it for the weekend to properly have a nice, long chat and enjoy the time with them.

2. Have your daily cup of joe/tea - Let’s face it, we can’t live a day without our cuppa but do we really enjoy it? It’s good to taste something new every once in a while instead of the plain-old usual stuff. Go to a comfortable spot to sip and enjoy every ounce of it. No, it’s not for getting you daily caffeine fix or hydrating, it’s about enjoying a quiet time with a calming, delicious drink.

3. Take a warm bath - Do this at least once a week, after you come home from a stressful day at work, go straight to your bathroom and run yourself a warm bath. Add some bubbles or herbs to make it fancy, light a candle for extra comfort, turn on your favorite tunes or bring a book and start to relax your night of.

4. Try to watch more live shows - Have you ever felt relaxed just by listening to your favorite artists? Well, imagine if you could listen to them live, this year make it as a goal to watch more live performances such as Snow Patrol or Alicia Keys (who btw are headlining this year’s Dubai Jazz festival) or simply festivals or shows in Dubai Opera. Be updated, visit our ticketing Instagram page and website.

5. Treat yourself from time-to-time - It surely feels good when you reach another milestone but you don’t necessarily have to wait until you achieved a goal before you start treating yourself. Buy that bag you’ve been dreaming of, headphones you really like, a gadget you’re thinking whether to buy or not – our advice? Go and get it! There’s no harm on spoiling yourself every now and then, just remember, you’ve worked hard for it.

6. Have a Movie/Series Marathon - You don’t have to be out of your home every time, sometimes it’s also healthy to have a laid-back evening. Get comfortable, grab your favorite snack and cuddle with your favorite blanket and watch whatever you love best, alone.

7. Read a good book - If you have no time to read a book, now is the best time to make one. Its best to read at least an hour every day as this is very fulfilling, take it to the bath with you or right before you sleep. Sit back and get lost in the fantasy world of a novel or be inspired with someone else’s life, after all, a book can help you with self-improvements.

8. Cook yourself a meal - It’s a fact that cooking is one of the best way possible to relax and be calm. Cook a special dinner just for you or invite some friends over to spend quality time over dinner. If cooking is really not your forte, don’t quit and order from outside just yet, there are some recipe books that will really help you when it comes to this.

9. Get a massage - Book an appointment at least once a month, this will really help you relax and remove all stress. Do it on a weekend or get a massager if you don’t really have the time to make an appointment. Either wat, it will be so relaxing and worth it – you’ll be thanking yourself later.

10. Spend on Candles and Skin care products - Buy yourself good scented candles and light it whenever you’re feeling anxious and stressed. This would definitely lift your mood 100% up especially when you match it with face masks other skin care products.

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